Art-mining in Deadwood and the Black Hills.
Now that mans lower desires have been satisfied and all the gold has been extracted from the Black Hills, it is time for the Black hills to be lifted up by art. If my vision be true and I prove to be a worthy guide for the spirit that lies within my brushes, then the Black Hills may conjure up treasures more uplifting for the spirit than all the "color" (gold) ripped from the streams and outcroppings by miners past.
I have been preparing for this Art-mining trip for three months. My inspiration came from the HBO series, Deadwood, which I own and have viewed four times.
I custom built all my Deadwood painting gear, which includes;
1. HD Video camera with custom hand tooled leather case
2. Dell laptop computer with hand tooled leather with hand engraved sterling sliver trim
3. Custom ceramic "Wild Bill' pistol brushes with custom redwood case
4. Hand built redwood easel with leather pistol brush holster
5. Handmade custom Deadwood Boots
6. Handmade buckskin jacket
Alice and I leave for Deadwood, South Dakota, tomorrow, July 17, 2007
Oh Maestro! I am thrilled that you've started a blog, and I hope that you have a fantastic trip!
Hi Maestro,
I am sure that you will have a fulfilling trip both artistically and personally.
Have a great time.
With the tools you are packing and your spirt of adventure and can't wait for updates !!
G man
The trail is the thing, says Louis L'Amour, not the end of the trail. So here's best wishes and off you go!
Happy trails! If you find yourself in a card game, be sure to sit with your back to the wall. I can't wait to see and hear the results!
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